tickle, tickle- haha!

This is what I get for marrying an Asian woman. I pay to go to plays and restaurants and hear people talk about the white ghost devil.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Don't Ask for Whom the Cow Bell Rings...

First, sorry about the zero for March on this whole posting thing. I wish I could say it was because I gave up snarkiness for Lent, but we all know that's not true.

Last fall, I was dumb enough to tell D-Doll that I intended to be a certain weight by my 40th birthday at the end of May. (I still might make it... if I eat only helium for the next 2 months.) I've also said that I could either be fat or bald, but both, and I'm not living up to that one either.

Maybe it's because she wants to keep me around for awhile, but D-Doll has not had the common decency to forget all my loose talk of healthful intentions... so long-story-short, I've commited to doing a triathlon in early August.

WTF! Half mile swim, followed by a 20 mile bike ride (with hills! My arse!) Then topped off with a 3.8 mile stagger.

I know that D-Doll did her tri last year, and that was great and all, but all I had to do was find parking, hold on to the Boy and ring the cow bell. Something tells me that this one might be a bit more labor intensive.

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