tickle, tickle- haha!

This is what I get for marrying an Asian woman. I pay to go to plays and restaurants and hear people talk about the white ghost devil.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Name Game (or where have Billy & Mary gone?)

D-Doll and I snuck away yesterday while the Boy was glued to his Grandma's laptop and went to the mall to do some pre-holiday scouting. While there, we went into the Hallmark to get some cards. Since both of us have somewhat uncommon names, we will often look at the displays of pre-personalized coffee mugs or key chains to lament our plight. (We really know how to have a good time, don't we?) Well, at the store, there was a rack of name mugs for kids. Two spellings for Katlynn, but no Mary. Aiden, but no Bill or Billy. Doesn't anybody name their kid Joe or Jenny anymore?

I thought we were being unique by give the Boy a unique (& family) name. I guess everyone else is unique too.

PS. Happy #8 to my #1! (By "#1" I mean only. There is no #2, so stop looking at me like that.)


Blogger demondoll said...

You fvcker! You are still reaming me for having a practice husband??? I TOLD you I got the divorce decree!

I love you, madly.

Happy Anniversary!

11:23 PM  
Blogger ElleDee said...


7:29 PM  
Blogger BW said...

Very happy anniversary! How nice of you to share it with M & D and let them have The Boy. As you know, having the grandchildren over is their very, very favorite thing.

8:30 PM  

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