tickle, tickle- haha!

This is what I get for marrying an Asian woman. I pay to go to plays and restaurants and hear people talk about the white ghost devil.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh My, Your Pimple Is So Minty Fresh!

I'm a pretty smart guy- or so the IQ test scores say- but sometimes I do the dumbest things.
Today's example... (with a little background)

I'm meeting some old friends that I have not seen in years, so of course a big blemish springs up on my right temple. (I'm not the only one this happens to, ie My Big Fat Greek Wedding.)

DDoll read somewhere that toothpaste is better at drying out pimples than the Clearasil type products. (Kinda like the Windex in the Greek Wedding movie.)

I'm working from home today, so DDoll comes into my office and goops some minty Crest on my forehead while I'm at my desk. I'm not seeing anyone today- just calls, emails and IM- so I don't fuss. I'm curious to see if it works.

A little while later, DDoll asks me to go get the morning paper. Since she is making me a mocha, I say sure, take my cordless, and head out. (You all see where this is going, right?)

Heading out to the mail box I see Neighbor Mike. I have not seen Mike in a couple of weeks so I walk over to chat for a couple of minutes. Mike's a real nice guy because he never mentioned what I had completely forgotten, that I had a 2 inch patch of blue paste roughly troweled on my temple! (I remembered as I was walking back in the house.)

The moral of my story is to wear the zit with pride, because everybody gets them. Nobody understands wearing floride on your forehead.


Blogger demondoll said...

Now, see? Ya got all skittish and washed it off, so now we won't know if it works!
At least you were wearing pants.

Or were you? Speaking of, have fun in Vegas!!! xoxo

10:40 PM  
Blogger White Ghost Devil said...

Not wearing pants! Are you implying that people who telecommute don't always dress in atleast business casual attire?

You know that I'm often out of my pj's by noon.

10:48 PM  
Blogger yatsu said...

Oy, I hear ya, Devil. A couple of years ago, pretty much the same thing happened to me. Plus, my hair was majorly fucked up. Tip: I find that a triple antibiotic ointment really helps with the 40-something blemish - esp. applied in the early stages. Yatsu out. (We are getting old, no?)

5:45 PM  
Blogger ElleDee said...

Have fun converting all those sinners! ;)

10:38 AM  
Blogger Veronica said...

We Milan girls use toothpaste on our zits too. It works the best. NO, REALLY!!

10:52 PM  

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