Where's the Content?
Sorry I haven't posted in the last couple of months. I have been writing, just not here. I thought I'd give DDoll something a little different for her birthday, so I wrote a screen play for her. I bought a couple resource books, and have been working on it for the last 5 weeks. (She got the rough draft before her birthday. I also gave her a maple tree.) I don't know if it's any good, but I do know it's almost done. It's been a fun project and I'm already thinking about my next story.
1- its D-Doll, not ddoll like a stutter.
2- I love love love this script. It is beautiful!
And 3- no new script until this one has been workshopped and done minor rewrites. Please.
Seriously,y'all- this screenplay is wonderful.
Wowza! Color me impressed. Way to go, Moishe! I can't wait to hear more about it.
When can we READ it?
That is so awesome. CONGRATULATIONS! I hear it's fantastic :)
He heard tell that agents will only read scripts that are 110-120 pgs, so poor WGD is madly typing away.
Hinty: I taunted him when I overheard some sniffing from the office. When I read the scene, karma got me all teary-eyed.
haha I write ddoll all the time...guess I'm a stuttering fool :)
wow I love that idea!
That is so cute! You get Good Husband points. It isn't many a man who would write their woman a screenplay. You rawk!
I realize now I should have said "It isn't many a man who would write HIS woman a screenplay." As a journalist, I feel obligated to correct my grammatical gaffes. My apologies to all.
Good job, dude! D-Doll is right though, I hate to say... you haven't 'finished' until you have rewritten it... kind of like child rearing, when will you be done? Who knows but you have to keep at it until it's better... I know I know that's vague... welcome to screenwriting - most notes you'll ever get will be!
You dark horse, you. I take it this is not the sci-fi epic replete with buxom star-travellers that I *know* you have knocking away inside you...
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