Don't Ask for Whom the Cow Bell Rings...
First, sorry about the zero for March on this whole posting thing. I wish I could say it was because I gave up snarkiness for Lent, but we all know that's not true.
Last fall, I was dumb enough to tell D-Doll that I intended to be a certain weight by my 40th birthday at the end of May. (I still might make it... if I eat only helium for the next 2 months.) I've also said that I could either be fat or bald, but both, and I'm not living up to that one either.
Maybe it's because she wants to keep me around for awhile, but D-Doll has not had the common decency to forget all my loose talk of healthful intentions... so long-story-short, I've commited to doing a triathlon in early August.
WTF! Half mile swim, followed by a 20 mile bike ride (with hills! My arse!) Then topped off with a 3.8 mile stagger.