tickle, tickle- haha!

This is what I get for marrying an Asian woman. I pay to go to plays and restaurants and hear people talk about the white ghost devil.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday card shortage.

I'll double up since I'll be offline most of next week.

As of yesterdays mail, we'd received 10 Christmas cards (not counting the ones from our insurance agent, newspaper guy and several email cards.) We'd sent out about 85 last week. Now, I'm not asking for a 1 to 1 ratio, but what's up? Are people not mailing cards anymore? Did we just not make peoples lists this year? Maybe we've got more in past years because we sent our cards out in late November or early December and the cards we got back were sent because people felt bad when they got ours.

Also, when you receive an e-card as part of a bulk email, should that really count as getting a card? I'm leaning toward no, but not sure.


Blogger demondoll said...

I keep telling you, we need to send those babies out the day before Thanksgiving ;)

You know we've fallen out of favor with bunches of folk if even Cousin doesn't send to us. She sends to everyone.

11:57 AM  
Blogger ElleDee said...

Well, as someone who didn't send diddly this year, umm, well, guess all I can say is "Sorry!"

3:42 PM  
Blogger VS said...

Yes, we are guilty of the e-card, but we also sent a hard-card...be patient, it will arrive soon, as soon as Canada Post discerns its ass from a hole in the ground.

5:17 PM  
Blogger demondoll said...

We received hard card, thanks! Hooray for the Dynasty dames...

9:30 PM  
Blogger demondoll said...

WTH, you lazy man? There's all manner of things to post- not the least the way Pepper gets you good every Christmas.

11:12 AM  
Blogger demondoll said...

Seriously, look at the darn date of your last post. You and Pig are selfish. And be quiet- I know you are sitting next to me. You still don't post.

11:12 AM  

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